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Once in a while, I am humbled to be written about. Below are some examples. ​
General Press

Discover Magazine (October 2018): NASA's Mars 2020 Landing Site.

My take on the Mars 2020 Landing Site Selection Process. Spoiler: We selected Jezero Crater.

J.R. Skok at the 2019 Silicon Valley Comic-Con
Life on Mars.
Mars: Transforming from a Point to a Planet with Emerging Technologies

Jason Lederman Moderator

Andy Weir

J.R. Skok

Dr. Kitty Yeung

Dr. Yvonne Cagle

Made of Mars puts the Journey to Mars in your hands!
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We found some of the most chemically evolved rocks on Mars! Mars was much more active than thought. 

Granite on Mars? Red Planet gets weirder and weirder

Granite on Mars? Scientists find 'highly evolved' rocks on Martian surface

Evidence found for granite on Mars

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In 2010, I published a paper identifying volcanic hot springs. The press enjoyed this story. 

Silica on a Mars Volcano Tells of Wet and Cozy Past

Ancient Hot Springs Spotted on Mars

Mars' volcanic deposit tells of life

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Me being me.

John Roma Skok SM’10

Utah scientific: Utah's Mars clone serves as training site

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