Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Expert Remote Sensing Program Manager
SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA
Planetary Scientist and Program Manager Working to Transform Remote Sensing Data into Discovery and Action.
Brown University
2007 - 2012
Department of Geological Sciences
Ph.D 2012 Geological Sciences
M.S. 2009 Geological Sciences
Cornell University
​2003 - 2007
College of Engineering
B.S. Geological Sciences
IDL/ENVI Programming (16)
Cave Surveying (14)
Vertical Caving (14)
GIS Analytics (14)
Spectroscopy (14)
Satellite Image Analysis (14)
Science Education (12)
Grant Writing/Management (9)
Program Management (6)
LIDAR Collection/Analysis (2)
Vegetation Management (2)
Python Programming (2)
McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Iceland Hot Springs
Chile Hot Springs
Yellowstone, USA
Lava Beds National Monument, CA, USA
Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID, USA
West Clearwater Lake, Quebec, Canada
Expert Remote Sensing Program Manager, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
Adjunct Assistant Research Professor, Louisiana State University, 2014-6/2020
Postdoctoral Researcher, Louisiana State University, 2013 - 2014
Brown University Graduate Research Fellow, 2007-2012
New York Space Grant Intern, NASA Marshall, Huntsville, AL, Summer 2006, 2007
Kopernik Observatory Science Instructor, Vestal, NY, 1999-2004
NASA PSTAR BRAILLE Project Science Collaborator, Summer 2018
Organized Iceland NASA PSTAR Sinter Study Field Expedition, Summer 2015/6
Mojave Volatile Prospector (MVP) Camera Lead, 2014
SSERVI-FINESSE Impact Cratering Deployment, West Clearwater Lake, Quebec, Canada 2014
SSERVI-FINESSE Volcanic Deployment, Craters of the Moon NM, 2014
Karst Mapping, Chongqing/Hubei Provence, China, Fall 2012, Spring 2015
Hyperspectral Mapping Field Test, Rio Tinto, Spain, Summer 2011
NSF Antarctic Field Season, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Fall 2010
NASA Planetary Volcanology Field Workshop, Hawaii, July 2010
NASA Planetary Science Summer School, JPL, Neptune Flagship Mission, July 2009
Habitable World Panel, Balboa High School, SF, CA. May 1st, 2019
Guest Lecturer Cal. College of Art, Immersive Film and Media, VR and Beyond. Fall 2018
Guest Lecturer Geol 1001, LSU April 30th, 2013
Co-Instructor Geol 7972 LSU Spring 2013
Brown University CareerLAB Graduate Student Advise Panel Feb. 2012
Teaching Assistant, GE133, Remote Sensing of the Environment,
Brown University, 2011. -
Sherdian Center Certificate II: Classroom Tools Seminar, 2009-2010.
Teaching Assistant, GE141, Mineralogy, Brown University, 2009.
Teaching Assistant, GE010, Face of the Earth, Brown University, 2009.
Sheridan Center Certificate I: Introduction to Reflective Teaching Practice, 2009
Science Instructor, Kopernik Observatory, Vestal, NY, 2001-2004
Guest Lecturer Geol 1001, LSU 4/30/13
Co-Instructor Geol 7972 LSU Spring 2013
NASA SSERVI Planetary Analogs Working Group, Mars in Iceland. April 2020
Silicon Valley Comic Con Mars Panel & Talk, San Jose, August 2019
San Jose Astronomical Association, San Jose, CA, June 2019
Khan Academy, Mountain View, CA, November 2018
East Bay Astronomical Society, Oakland, CA, November 2018
NASA Mars2020 4th Landing Site Workshop, Glendale, CA, October 2018
University of California, Santa Cruz, September 2018
California Academy of Sciences, Astronomy Lecture, September 2018
SETI Institute, AR/VR in Space Science, Menlo Park, CA, July 2018
AstroReality, Earth Kickstarter Video, June 2018
NASA Mars2020 3rd Landing Site Workshop, Pasadena, CA 2017
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, May 2015
LSU Wilbert Lecture, Geology and Geophysics, Baton Rouge, LA, September 2014
Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, January 2014
LSU Astronomy Department, Baton Rouge, LA, October 2013
SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, June 2013
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 2013
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, October 2012
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, May 2012
NASA Ames, Moffett Field, CA, December 2011